VANITAS, Petit Palais, Paris, FR
On Our Knees, Arcadia Missa, London, UK
Gravity Road, Mining History Centre, Lewarde, FR
Turner Prize 2023 Winner, Towner Eastbourne, Eastbourne, UK
Miserere, St James’s Piccadilly, London, UK
Enclosures, Camden Art Centre, London, UK
No Medals No Ribbons, Modern Art Oxford, Oxford, UK
Beth Collar & Jesse Darling, Doppel, A plus A Gallery, Venice, IT
Gravity Road, Kunsteverein Freiburg, Freiburg, DE
Kunstpreis der Böttcherstraße Prize, Bremen, DE
Selva Oscura, Galerie Sultana, Paris, FR
Crevé, La Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille, FR
The Ballad of Saint Jerome, ART NOW, Tate Britain, London, UK
Support Level, Chapter Gallery, New York, US
Armes Blanches, Galerie Sultana, Paris, FR
ATROPHILIA (w Phoebe Collings James), Company, New York, US
The Great Near, Arcadia Missa, London, UK
Spirit Level, (w Takeshi Shiomitsu), AND/OR, London, UK
Same, Same, CAC 41N/41E, (w Takeshi Shiomitsu), Batumi, GE
Not Long Now, Lima Zulu, London, UK
Stockholm Syndrome and Other System Failures, Arcadia Missa, London, UK
Hypotopia?Population: You, AiRBase, quartier21, Vienna, AT
Amour Systémique, CAPC Musée d’art Contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, FR
Found Cities, Lost Objects, Leeds Art Gallery, Leeds, UK
Contested Bodies, The Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery, Leeds, UK
Bruno Pélassy and the Order of the Starfish, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, DE
Interdependencies: Perspectives on Care and Resilience, Migros Museum, Zürich, CH
Phantom Sculpture, Mead Gallery, Warwick Arts Centre, Coventry, UK
Auditions for An Unwritten Opera, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, DE
Violins/Violence, Gathering, London, UK
Exposed, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, FR
Barbe à Papa, CAPC Bordeaux, Bordeaux, FR
Trickster Figures: Sculpture and the Body, MK Gallery, Milton Keynes, UK
Drawing in the Continuous Present, The Drawing Center, New York, US
WALK!, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Frankfurt, DE
Crip Time, Museum MMK für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, DE
PUT A SOCK IN IT!, Sophie Tappeiner, Vienna, AT
Tense Conditions, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Stuttgart, DE
GTFO, Always Fresh, New York, US
My Kid Could’ve Done That!, The Edge Art Centre, Bath, UK
Revolting Spines and Shivering Chains, Galerie im Turm, Berlin, DE
3.0, Chapter NY, New York, US
Gravity, Blitz Valletta, MT
House Share, Firstsite, Colchester, UK
Soil.Sickness.Society, Rønnebæksholm, Næstved, DK
Ora e lege, Broumov Monastery, Broumov, CZ
Wild Frictions, CAC Cincinnati, Ohio, US
Life Constantly Escapes, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna, AT
Training Fantasia, Typography Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow, RU
Haunted Haus, Swiss Institute, New York, US
Notes on Entropy, Arcadia Missa, London, UK
More, More, More, TANK Shanghai, Shanghai, CN
Studio Berlin, Boros Foundation, Berghain, Berlin, DE
When the Sick Rule the World, ALTE FABRIK, Rappersvil, CH
The Same Room: Julie Becker in dialogue, Galerie Neu, Berlin, DE
Transcorporealities, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, DE
May You Live In Interesting Times, Venice Biennale, Venice, IT
Body Splits, SALTS, Basel, CH
Running Room, Horse and Pony, Berlin, DE.
À Cris Ouverts, Les Ateliers de Rennes Biennale d’Art Contemporain, Rennes, FR
Give Up the Ghost, Baltic Triennial 13, Tallinn Art Hall, EST
Post-Institutional Stress Disorder, Kunsthal Aarhus, DK
Cellular World, GoMA @ Glasgow International, Glasgow, UK
more of an avalanche, Wysing Art Centre, UK
Beacons: Pharos, Caustic Coastal, Salford, UK
An unpredictable expression of human potential, Beirut Art Center for Sharjah Biennale, Beirut, LB
Occasional Geometries, Longside Gallery/ Yorkshire Sculpture Park, UK
Command-Alternative-Escape @ Venice Biennale, Arsenale, Venice, IT
No Ordinary Love/ Pas d’Amours Ordinaires, Sultana, Paris, FR
Ways of Living, David Roberts Art Foundation, London, UK
Bread and Roses, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, PL
You think the only people who are people, are the people who look like you, Two Queens, Leicester, UK
They/Them, Drei, Cologne, DE
The Fifth Artist, Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge, UK
EXTINCT.LY Marathon, Serpentine Gallery/Online, London, UK
Late Capitalism, it’s like, almost over, The Luminary Arts Center, St. Louis, US
Private Settings, Museum of Modern Art Warsaw, Warsaw, PL
It’s been four years since 2010, Preteen Gallery, Arcadia Missa, London, UK
Snow Crash, Banner Repeater, London, UK
The Angry Show, 55 Sydenham Road, Sydney, AU
Different Domain, The Royal Standard, Liverpool, UK
Dry Wipe, sleepingupright.com/Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham, UK/ONLINE
Business Innovations for Ubiquitous Authorship, Higher Pictures, New York, US
A Shot to The Arse, Michaelis Gallery, Cape Town, ZA
Artisit, Basic Space, Dublin, IE
Ghetto Biennale, Grand Rue, Port-au-Prince, HT
Poetry: Five Bodies, Nottingham Contemporary, online
Close Reading and conversation, Tate Britain, London, UK
Poetry Night, Camden Arts Centre, London, UK
Bardo, commission for Volksbuhne Fullscreen, Berlin, DE
Mene Mene Tekel Parsin, Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge, UK
The Corporate Alternative, symposium co-organized by Pablo Larios (Frieze d/e), Mumok, Wien, AT
NTGNE, Serpentine Pavilion, London, UK
Visiting artist, Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam, NL
Intimacies: The Personal in Creative and Practice-Led Research (keynote), Goldsmiths, University of London,
London, UK
Lunch Bytes Conference, European Edition, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, DE
Lunch Bytes: Life- Feminism, Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm, SE
Habeas Corpus Ad Subjiciendum, MoMa Warsaw, PL
Yolamus, Extinction Marathon, Serpentine Galleries, London, UK
You Are Here: Art After the Internet, ICA, London, UK
FUTURECAMP: The Way We Act Now, Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge, UK
In [re]search of the real[ness]: The Work Labour of Art in the Age of Digital [Re]production, special invitation by Hito Steyerl, UDK, Berlin, DE
Artist Talk, Kiasma, Helsinki, FI
Self-administered EMDR, binaural beats for anxiety & depression, cartesian vocal effect, text, David Roberts Art
Foundation, London, UK
Artist Residency, Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge, UK
Our Bodies, Our Selfies: Reclaiming Overshare for its Revolutionary Potential, AND Festival, Liverpool, UK
What It Is, The Showroom, Berlin, DE
Tate, London (UK); Arts Council, London (UK); Lafayette Anticipations, Paris (FR); FRAC des Pays de la Loire (FR); UK Government Art Collection, London (UK); Glasgow Museums, Glasgow (UK); CNAP (FR); X Museum, Beijing (CN); Aïshti Foundation, Beirut (LB)