was uns bleibt, Bortolami, New York, US
chanting, Jan Kaps, Cologne, DE
Vor Ort. Melike Kara, Peter and Irene Ludwig Foundation, Aachen, DE
shallow lakes, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, DE
changing light, nw9, Cologne, DE
tjj, Parcours Art Basel, Basel, CH
Emine’s Garden, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, St. Gallen, CH
landing softly, Neue Galerie Gladbeck, Gladbeck, DE
as above so below, Arcadia Missa, London, UK
HOW SHE SHAPES US, LC Queisser, Tbilisi, GE
Nothing Is Yours, Everything Is You, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, DE
Zonta Art Award, Kunstraum Fuhrwerkswaage, Cologne, DE
where we meet, Jan Kaps, Cologne, DE
No Friends but the Mountains, Kunstverein Göttingen, Göttingen, DE
dayë dayê, B.LA Art Foundation, Vienna, AT
Gowend Garden, Salon 94, New York, US
My beloved wild valley, Arcadia Missa, London, UK
new work, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, NL
Speaking in Tongues, Jan Kaps, Cologne, DE
A Taste of Parsley, Yuz Museum, Shanghai, CN
Köpek, Peres Projects, Berlin, DE
In Your Presence, Peres Projects, Berlin, DE
Honey: Bread & Butter (with Jessica Gispert), Komplot, Brussels, BE
Lunch, Salon Kennedy, Frankfurt Am Main, Frankfurt, DE
Flying Dinner, Open Forum, Berlin, DE
Real Sorbet, Ortlo, Leipzig, DE
Das kleine Schwarze (with Peppi Bottrop), Boutique, Cologne, DE
under the weaver’s hands, Kunsthalle Trier, Trier, DE (Upcoming)
Identities, Rothschild & Co Bank AG, Zurich, CH
On Growing Sane in Insane Places, The Ryder Projects, Madrid, ES
Healing the Earth, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, DE
Being Mediterranean, MO.CO., Montpellier, FR
Neuerwerbungen und Schenkungen, Kunst Museum St. Gallen, CH
Black Box Theater, Clearing, New York, US
Monotypes Edition VFO, Kunsthalle Zürich, Zürich, CH
Calling, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf, DE
The yellow light at 6pm: Remembering, envisioning, sensing landscape, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin, DE
Tsinamdzgvrishvili 49 / Mazniashvili 10, LC Queisser, Tbilisi, GE
The Reason for Painting, Mead Gallery, Warwick, UK
Next Door, Yuz Project Space of Art, Shanghai, CN
I’ve Only Got Eyes For You, Sammlung Philara, Düsseldorf, DE
Brave New World, Museum de Fundatie, Zwolle, NL
Is it morning for you yet?, 58th Carnegie International, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, US
Power Centre, Daulang Gallery, Seoul, KR
Visions or Waking, Kunstverein Friedrichshafen, Friedrichshafen, DE
Sweet Lies. Fiktionen der Zugehörigkeit, Ludwig Forum Aachen, Aachen, DE
58th October Salon, Belgrade Biennial 2020, Belgrade, RS
INCORPOREA 04, Basement Roma, Rome, IT
love your symptom, but not too much, blank projects, Cape Town, ZA
Risquons-Tout, Wiels Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels, BE
Solar Anus, Parisian Laundry, Montreal, CA
BAMBOO BAR, AT THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE, Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund, DE
The Same As Ever, But More So, curated by Miriam Bettin, Braunsfelder, Cologne, DE
Inaugural Show, LC QUEISSER, Tbilisi, GE
Nothing Will Be The Same As Before, Tanya Leighton, Berlin, DE
(X) A Fantasy, curated by Sandra Pusterhofer, David Roberts Art Foundation, London, UK
MIDTOWN, Salon 94 and Maccarone Gallery, Lever House, New York, US
White Columns Benefit Exhibition and Auction, White Columns, New York, US
Monday is a Day Between Sunday and Tuesday, curated by Lisa Offermann, Tanya Leighton, Berlin, DE
Melike Kara, Talisa Lallai, Lindsay Lawson, curated by Maria Chiara Valacchi, Studiolo, Milan,IT
Wild Style: Exhibition of Figurative Art, Peres Projects, Berlin, DE
In Wonderland, Salon Dahlmann, Berlin, DE
FACE TO FACE, curated by Eugenio Viola, Palazzo Fruscione, Salerno, IT
SURRREAL, König Gallery, Berlin, DE
Folly, Emalin, Dunmore, UK
Pineapple, Airth, Falkirk, UK
The Snoring Princess, Kunstgruppe, Cologne, DE
Lanzarote, Union Pacific, London, UK
copy g_ods, (with Yves Scherer & Julia Scher) Drei Jacob, Cologne, DE
The State of Having Left, curated by Lisa Offermann and Pauline Seguin, Leipzig, DE
kunst lmage, Pourya, Düsseldorf,DE
NOWHERE, Bar Babette, Berlin, DE
L’Aventura, A+B Contemporary Art, Brescia, IT
Ifinito, Kunstverein Essen, Totale, Essen, DE
Shortcuts, Hallmackenreuther, Cologne,DE
Body Light, Venus & Apollo by Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf, DE
Dark(traces), Hamburger Filmfestival,
Hamburg, DE
Fragile Islands, Parkhaus, Düsseldorf, DE
Zyklus, Studio Roh, Düsseldorf, DE
Bal Aksin, Maybachpoint, Cologne, DE
Ein drittel weiß hören, KIT, Düsseldorf, DE
Der stille Grund, Gagarin, Düsseldorf, DE
Here is always somewhere else, Castle Oud Rekem, Rekem, BE
Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR); K11, Hong Kong (HK); FRAC des Pays de la Loire (FR); Yuz Museum, Shanghai (CN)/LACMA, Los Angeles (US); Philara Collection, Cologne (DE); Zuzueum Museum, Riga (LV); Pérez Art Museum, Miami (US); Lauda Foundation, Vienna (AT); Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, St. Gallen (CH); M Woods Museum, Beijing (CN); Museum Ludwig, Cologne (DE).